Research Briefing
US Supreme Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage
This In Focus examines the recent ruling by the United States Supreme Court on same sex marriage, including the legal background and reaction to the decision.
Research Briefing
This In Focus examines the recent ruling by the United States Supreme Court on same sex marriage, including the legal background and reaction to the decision.
Research Briefing
This In Focus note examines the shootings in Charleston, North Carolina on 17 June 2015 and the subsequent debate surrounding the flying of the Confederate flag.
Research Briefing
Following recent press reports on the drought in North Korea, this In Focus note examines the history of North Korea’s food insecurity and the mid-1990s famine. It also considers recent developments in the country’s agriculture and the potential for a new famine.
Research Briefing
This In Focus note provides information on the recent general election in Denmark, held on 18 June 2015.
Research Briefing
This In Focus note provides a summary of the Turkish parliamentary elections which took place on 7 June 2015.
Research Briefing
Brief information on recent developments in Syria, including the impact of Islamic State and the effects of the conflict on Syria’s population.
Research Briefing
This Library Note provides an overview of the structure and work of the United Nations, focusing on its key organs and on a selection of the subsidiary bodies and organisations which together make up the wider ‘UN Family’.
Research Briefing
This In Focus note examines the dangers faced by the growing numbers of migrants seeking to cross the Mediterranean, and the British and European response.
Research Briefing
This In Focus note examines the same-sex marriage referendum held in Ireland on 22 May 2015.
Research Briefing
This In Focus note provides a summary of the Polish presidential elections which took place on 24 May 2015.
Research Briefing
On 11 December 2014, the House of Lords is scheduled to debate the following motion: “that this House takes note of the case for establishing new global development goals in 2015”.
Research Briefing
On 5 December 2014, the House of Lords is scheduled to debate the following motion: “that this House takes note of the role of soft power and non-military options in conflict prevention”.
Research Briefing
The centenary of the start of the First World War will be marked in 2014. Britain entered the conflict in August 1914 and remained at war until November 1918.
Research Briefing
This Library Note looks at bicameral legislatures in other parts of the world and provides an overview of some of the features of other second chambers, and how these compare to the current House of Lords.
Research Briefing
This Library Note provides background reading in advance of the debate in the House of Lords on 27 February 2014 on recent developments in Syria and the Middle East.
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