Research Briefing
Fragile States: Effects of Conflict
This Lords Library briefing provides information on fragile states and the effects of conflict, including information on widows.
Research Briefing
This Lords Library briefing provides information on fragile states and the effects of conflict, including information on widows.
Research Briefing
This House of Lords Library briefing examines the trade relationship between the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries. It provides a brief overview of UK trade, including information on its largest export market and largest source of imports. It then discusses Commonwealth trade, focussing on intra-Commonwealth trade. Finally it examines UK-Commonwealth trade relations and summarises a range of recent statements and commentary pertaining to the future of those trade relationships in the context of the European Union referendum result.
Research Briefing
This House of Lords Library briefing has been withdrawn pending revision.
Research Briefing
This Lords Library briefing provides a brief timeline of principal developments during the process of the Iraq Inquiry (Chilcot). It particularly focusses on delays of the report’s publication.
Research Briefing
This House of Lords Library briefing provides background information in advance of the second reading of the Asset Freezing (Compensation) Bill in the House of Lords on Friday 10 June 2016.
Research Briefing
This House of Lords Library briefing provides information in support of the House of Lords’ consideration of the Cultural Property (Armed Conflicts) Bill [HL].
Research Briefing
The House of Lords is due to debate the Queen’s Speech over four days between 19 and 25 May 2016. This briefing is one of four prepared by the House of Lords Library to cover the themes of each day of debate.
Research Briefing
This House of Lords Library briefing considers the increasing use of civilian drones and the regulations governing their use.
Research Briefing
This House of Lords Library briefing examines the recent outbreak of the Zika Virus.
Research Briefing
This House of Lords Library briefing considers recent developments in Poland following the election of the Law and Justice party in the October 2015 Parliamentary elections.
Research Briefing
This House of Lords Library briefing provides an overview of the work of the five ad hoc Lords Select Committees which reported in the 2013–14 session.
Research Briefing
This Lords Library briefing reports the results of the recent general election in Spain and outlines the constitutional process that will now follow relating to the formation of a government.
Research Briefing
This Lords Library Briefing examines the results of the recent National Assembly elections in Venezuela.
Research Briefing
This In Focus reports on the 2015 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), held in Malta.
Research Briefing
This in Focus examines the result of the recent Presidential election in Argentina.
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