The Parking (Code of Practice) Bill is a private member’s bill which would require the government to prepare a code of practice that contains guidance on good practice in the operation and management of private car parks, in addition to guidance on appeals against parking charges imposed in such car parks. The bill also provides for the creation of an independent appeals service and for a levy on the parking industry to cover the costs associated with issuing, administering and investigating a failure on individuals to act in accordance with the code.
The bill was introduced in the House of Commons on 19 July 2017 by Sir Greg Knight (Conservative MP for East Yorkshire). The bill received its second reading in the House of Commons on 2 February 2018 and completed its stages with cross party support on 23 November 2018. The bill was introduced in the House of Lords on 26 November 2018 under the sponsorship of Lord Hunt of Wirral (Conservative) and is scheduled to have its second reading on 18 January 2019.