World Cancer Day takes places on 4 February each year. It was established by the Paris Charter adopted at the World Summit Against Cancer for the New Millennium in 2000. By marking the same day each year, the event aims to save millions of preventable deaths through education, raising awareness and by pressing both governments and individuals to take action.
In 2018, World Cancer Day is taking place under the theme ‘We Can. I Can.’, which explores “how everyone—as a collective or as individuals—can do their part to reduce the global burden of cancer”. The key messages of the day this year focus on what actions can be taken both collectively and individually. For example, the messages under ‘We Can’ include: inspire action, take action; create healthy schools; shape policy change; and improve access to cancer care. For ‘I Can’, the messages include: make healthy lifestyle choices; ask for support; make my voice heard; and take control of my cancer journey.