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This briefing provides information on the following:

  • Extremism Bill;
  • Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Finance;
  • Investigatory Powers Bill;
  • Policing and Crime Bill;
  • Guardianship;
  • Civil Registration;
  • Prison Reform;
  • Prisoner Voting;
  • Electoral Administration;
  • British Bill of Rights;
  • Strathclyde Review; and
  • Wales Bill.

This briefing has been prepared in advance of the Queen’s Speech based on Government commitments and speculative reports about what legislative proposals may be included; it does not constitute official information about the Government’s intentions or provide a complete list of bills to be announced.

Available separately are further briefings for each day’s debate on the Queen’s Speech. For further reading or more detailed information, Members are encouraged to contact the Library’s Research Desk.

Documents to download

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