Section two contains tables which list Members with the longest continuous membership of the House as at 30 March 2015: table 2.1 lists the 40 eligible Members with the longest continuous membership; table 2.2 lists Life Peers with membership of 30 years or more; and table 2.3 lists all female Members with membership of 20 years or more.
Section three of the Note provides information about the age profile of the membership of the House as at 30 March 2015. Table 3.1 provides a snapshot of the membership of the whole House by age bands; table 3.2 breaks this information down, showing the age bands in each party/group; table 3.3 lists the names of Members aged under 50 as at 30 March 2015; and table 3.4 lists those Members who were aged 90 and over as at the same date.
Section four provides information about public positions held by Members of the House up to the end of the 2010–15 Parliament. In this section, Members are listed by select public office, including positions in the Cabinet, once or currently held.