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Diabetes UK published a report suggesting there were around 4 million people living with diabetes in the UK. Following this, the organisation’s chief executive, Chris Askew, stated “there is no time to waste in getting serious about providing better care and diabetes education”. The Department of Health and NHS England have estimated that, in England alone, around 3.2 million people had diabetes in 2013–14 (6.2 percent of the adult population), of whom around 400,000 (1.2 percent of the adult population) were undiagnosed. Meanwhile, the APHO Diabetes Prevalence Model predicts that by 2025 a total of 4.8 million adults will be living with diabetes across England, Wales and Scotland. The House of Commons Public Accounts Committee recently published a report expressing a number of concerns over the treatment and prevention of diabetes in the UK, and the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, has identified diabetes as a health care priority.

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