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    The government has identified the creative industries as one of eight “growth driving” sectors it will prioritise in its industrial strategy. The strategy is due to be published later this year, along with a creative industries sector plan. The creative industries have called on barriers to growth, such as skills gaps and access to funding, to be addressed in the sector plan.

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  • Youth mobility schemes

    The UK has schemes to allow young people from specific countries to come to the UK to live and work for a limited period of time. In April 2024, the European Commission made a proposal to the European Council to open negotiations with the UK on agreeing a youth mobility scheme between the UK and the EU. The Labour government has stated that it has no plans for a scheme with the EU. Several organisations have expressed support for it, but others have expressed concern that it would be a return to a form of freedom of movement.

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  • Copyright and artificial intelligence: Impact on creative industries

    Currently, developers are subject to copyright law when using large data sets to train artificial intelligence (AI) models. In December 2024, the government published proposals to change the way in which this material could be used. This included the establishment of a copyright exemption for AI developers and a new rights reservation model whereby copyright holders would need to opt-out from having their material used for training AI.

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