Approximate read time: 30 minutes 

This briefing was originally published on 23 August 2024 in preparation for a debate which took place in the House of Lords on 5 September 2024. It has been updated to include an overview of that debate as well as a recent debate on the subject which took place in the House of Commons. In addition, it contains information on calls for the policy to be postponed and a potential legal challenge.

On 17 October 2024 the House of Lords is scheduled to debate the following motion:

Lord Lexden (Conservative) to ask His Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of the implications of levying VAT on independent schools with effect from 1 January 2025.

1. Independent schools

1.1 Definition

Independent schools, also known as private schools, charge fees for pupils to attend them.[1] They do not have to teach the national curriculum, but must be inspected regularly.

Some schools specialise in teaching children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). In some cases, local authorities fund children with education, health and care (EHC) plans to attend independent special schools.[2]

1.2 Statistics

Approximately 6–7% of pupils in the UK are educated in independent schools.[3] This equates to around 560,000 to 570,000 pupils.

The Independent Schools Council (ISC), a member association for independent schools, covers 1,411 schools; around 86% of independent school pupils attend a school that is part of the ISC.[4] Every year the ISC conducts a census of its members. The 2024 survey found that in its member schools:[5]

  • The number of pupils decreased slightly between 2023 and 2024, by 0.1%.
  • 20% of pupils received support for SEND. Of these, 6.9% had an EHC plan.
  • There were the greatest number of schools and pupils in London, at 318 schools and 116,133 pupils. This was followed by the South Central region then the South East. Wales and the North East had the fewest, at 19 schools and 7,304 pupils and 17 schools and 7,420 pupils respectively.
  • 28.5% of pupils received some type of fee support from the school in 2024. 7.8% received means tested support and 10.6% received non-means tested scholarships. The total value of means tested fee support provided by schools was £539mn in 2024.
  • The total number of non-British pupils whose parents lived abroad was 26,195 in 2024. This represented 4.7% of all pupils.

There is significant variability in the independent school sector. The size of ISC schools ranges from fewer than 50 pupils to nearly 2,500.[6] Half of ISC schools have fewer than 300 pupils and around half are non-selective. Fees range from less than £10,000 to over £30,000 per year.[7]

Average annual fees, excluding boarding costs, were £15,200 net of bursaries and scholarships in 2022–23.[8] This was 90% more than average state school spending per pupil, which was £8,000. Three quarters of the children attending independent schools come from families in the top three income deciles, and most of these from the top decile.[9]

Independent special schools represent a third of special schools and educate 5% of pupils with EHC plans.[10] In 2022, local authorities placed over 20,000 children and young people in independent special schools. Most of the funding for these schools comes from the state.

1.3 Impact

Economy and public finances

In December 2022, the consultancy Oxford Economics published ‘The impact of independent schools on the UK economy’, a report commissioned by the ISC. The report found that ISC-affiliated schools contributed £14.1bn to the UK economy in 2021.[11] Extrapolating this to all independent schools, it estimated the total economic impact to be £16.5bn. This is measured in gross value added (GVA). Of the £14.1bn GVA contributed by ISC schools, £6.9bn came from the employment of teaching and support staff. Economic benefit is also generated by the money independent schools spend on construction, IT support, equipment, catering and self-employed music and sport instructors, among other things.[12] It estimated that this amounted to £1.8bn in 2021. Oxford Economics argued that a further £5.5bn was generated from spending by teachers and support staff.

The fact-checking website Full Fact has highlighted that not all of this economic impact would disappear if independent schools ceased to exist.[13] It states that if parents did not spend money on fees they would spend it on other things, which would also generate economic benefit. In addition, teachers and other staff would find jobs elsewhere.

It has also been argued that independent schools save taxpayers money because the children attending them do not have to be educated by the state. Oxford Economics found that this saving amounted to £3.8bn from ISC schools. This figure included teaching and other recurrent costs as well as capital costs associated with the use of land, construction of school buildings, and property maintenance.[14] Full Fact has stated that this calculation assumes all these pupils would need to be educated in newly built school sites, “which wouldn’t necessarily have to be the case”.[15] Oxford Economics states that its calculation does not include central administrative costs and “is therefore likely to slightly understate the full amount of the saving”.[16]

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has highlighted that the cost to the government of educating pupils who would otherwise attend independent schools would be less than the approximately £8,000 per year average state school spending per pupil.[17] This is because large elements of state school funding are targeted at social deprivation and low prior attainment. Factoring in this reduced need and average capital spending over the last 20 years, the IFS estimates that each additional pupil would require, on average, between £4,900 and £6,900 per year, with a central estimate of £5,900 per year.

Social impact

Several studies have looked at the extent to which attendance at independent school influences careers and earnings. In 2022 the IFS published research undertaken by Professor Francis Green of University College London’s Institute of Education as part of the ‘Deaton review of inequality’, funded by the Nuffield Foundation.[18] This examined how the division between state and independent schools affects inequality in the UK. It found that once socio-economic background and family income and wealth were accounted for, academic outcomes were better for pupils attending independent schools.[19] Professor Green argued that “this private school education premium helps to explain the huge successes in accessing high-status universities and jobs”. He cited research showing that even after controlling for other factors, attendance at independent schools is correlated with employment in a high-status occupation.[20]

A 2019 report by the Sutton Trust, a social mobility think tank, and the Social Mobility Commission, a public body, found that a large proportion of those in the top levels of politics, business and the media had been educated at independent schools.[21] Among other things, it found:[22]

  • 39% of the government’s cabinet at the time of writing had been privately educated.
  • 48% of FTSE 350 CEOs were educated at independent schools in the UK, with more educated privately abroad.
  • 44% of newspaper columnists had attended independent schools.
  • 59% of permanent secretaries and 52% of diplomats were privately educated.

Footballers (women and men), members of the shadow cabinet at the time, local government CEOs and university vice chancellors had some of the lowest percentages of members who had been to independent schools, ranging from 2% (female footballers) to 16% (university vice chancellors).

Professor Green states that there is little evidence that attendance at independent schools is correlated to non-academic outcomes such as subjective well-being.[23]

Some have argued that the high proportion of independently educated people in high earning and high status professions means there are fewer opportunities for those who attended state schools to progress into these jobs. Professor Green explains this reasoning, “commonly advanced in political sociology”:

With private schooling sorting access to scarce university places and to scarce entry-level vacancies in jobs with good career prospects, the advantages from a private schooling are disadvantages for those with state schooling. To the extent that this is true, private schooling has a private benefit but no social benefit, and underpins a sub-optimal allocation of talent to jobs in society.[24] 

The ISC has highlighted that many students receive means-tested fee support, meaning that they can benefit from the advantages of independent schooling even though their families could not afford the fees on their own.[25] It states that in 2024, the average means-tested bursary was worth £12,909 and 9,328 pupils paid no fees.

In addition, some independent schools have formed partnerships with state schools. Under these schemes, independent schools share knowledge, resources and experience.[26] Areas for collaboration suggested in a paper published by the previous government include:

  • providing training
  • sharing teachers in shortage subjects
  • helping with curriculum design
  • broadening the curriculum, such as forming mixed school classes in subjects such as languages and classics
  • taking a leading role on the governing body of a school
  • providing senior and strategic leadership support
  • providing academic support and mentoring for young people applying or preparing for university
  • working with local authorities to open up opportunities to vulnerable and looked after children, such as offering boarding or day places or extra-curricular activities

The previous government also encouraged independent schools to sponsor academy schools.

The ISC’s 2024 census found that 1,068 ISC schools had at least one partnership with a local state school.[27] On average, each of the 1,068 schools worked with approximately 11 state-funded schools and 403 state-funded pupils. The most common partnership activities were:[28]

  • playing sporting fixtures with or against state schools
  • hosting joint sporting events
  • inviting pupils to attend lessons, workshops or other educational events
  • sharing knowledge, skills, expertise and experience
  • inviting pupils to attend music lessons or performances
  • inviting pupils to attend drama classes or performances
  • hosting joint musical events
  • having members of staff serving as governors at state schools
  • participating in teacher training events with local state school teachers

In 2023 the Private Education Policy Forum, a think tank that aims to “reduce inequalities of access, outcomes and resources for pupils as these arise from private education”, published research concerning partnerships between independent and state schools conducted by Tom Fryer of the University of Manchester.[29] The research, based on freedom of information requests of a random sample of state schools to which 277 responded, found:

  • no schools could provide evidence of evaluating the impact of partnership activity
  • “superficial pupil events”, primarily one-off activities, comprised the majority of partnerships
  • a small proportion of pupil events were more sustained or targeted, such as summer schools or mock university entrance interviews
  • 1% of schools reported partnerships targeted at disadvantaged pupils
  • partnerships were disproportionately in London and the South East

The report argued:

Overall, given the vast majority of private-state school partnerships are relatively superficial associations, rather than more collaborative activities with evidenced impact on pupils or staff, it is unlikely that they contribute substantially to the public benefit.[30]

2. Proposed value added tax changes

At present, independent schools do not have to charge value added tax (VAT) on their fees because there is an exemption for the supply of education.[31] This also means that independent schools cannot claim back VAT on the supplies and services they purchase. The IFS predicts that removing tax exemptions from independent schools, of which VAT forms the significant majority, would result in an effective VAT rate of 15% “after allowing for input deductions, likely VAT on boarding fees and exemptions for specialist provision”.[32]

Tax is a reserved area; therefore, the removal of the VAT exemption would apply to independent schools across the UK. The spending of any additional funds would, however, be a matter for the devolved nations because education policy is devolved.

In a debate in 2023, Bridget Phillipson, then shadow secretary of state for education, said that if the Labour Party were in government it would take away the current exemption from VAT and business rates for independent schools.[33] A spokesperson said the party would use the money raised to “fund desperately needed teachers and mental health counselling in every secondary school”.[34] In a February 2024 debate on the proposal, Helen Hayes, then shadow minister for education, said:

The Labour Party believes in parental choice, but the conversation today has to take place with fairness in mind. In 2022–23, average independent school fees were £15,200, but average state school spending per pupil was £8,000. The gap in funding between independent and state school spending has more than doubled since 2010. With the £1.3bn of funding that would be raised each year from our measure, we could significantly increase school spending, allowing the government to drive high standards across our state schools too.[35]

The policy was included in the party’s manifesto ahead of the 2024 general election and in the July 2024 King’s Speech, in which the King said that “measures will be brought forward to remove the exemption from value added tax for private school fees, which will enable the funding of six and a half thousand new teachers”.[36] In the debate on the King’s Speech in the House of Commons, Catherine McKinnell, minister of state at the Department for Education, said the change “will enable vital investment in more teachers and improved nursery provision”.[37]

On 29 July 2024, the government outlined its plans in a written statement to the House of Commons. It said it would bring forward measures to introduce 20 percent VAT on education and boarding services that private schools provide for a charge across the UK from 1 January 2025.[38] 20 percent VAT will also apply to pre-payments of fees for terms starting on or after 1 January 2025 made on or after 29 July 2024. The government said these changes would not impact pupils with the most acute special educational needs where their needs can only be met in private schools. The plans also include measures to remove private schools’ eligibility for charitable rates relief in England.

Alongside the statement, the government published draft legislation to be included in the finance bill, expected following the budget due on 30 October 2024, explanatory notes, and a technical note. A technical consultation on these measures is open until 15 September 2024.[39]

Addressing the proposal in the debate on the King’s Speech in the House of Commons, Shadow Education Minister Damian Hinds said the policy was “wrong-headed”.[40] He argued:

It will not hit the famous big-name schools, but it will hit small-town schools, families of children with special educational needs and certain religious faiths. Most of all, in the biggest way, it will hit state schools. We do not know how big the displacement effect will be of families who can no longer afford to send their children to their independent school, and we cannot know because there is no precedent, but we know that it will be a material number.

3. Impact of proposed changes

3.1 Pupil numbers

Assessments vary as to the extent the removal of the VAT exemption would affect pupil numbers. The IFS has attempted to model this scenario, while others have surveyed schools and parents to try to understand the potential impact. Declining pupil numbers would impact the amount raised from the tax and could result in the closure of smaller schools. It would also impact the extent to which the state would have to pay to educate pupils who would attend state schools instead of independent schools. The impact of the policy on public finances is discussed in section 3.2 below.

A 2018 report by the schools consultancy Baines Cutler, commissioned by the ISC, estimated that removing the VAT exemption from independent schools would result in a “drop-off” of 134,800 pupils over the first five years.[41] It estimated that 17.1% of pupils would have left independent school and not been replaced in this time.[42]

The 2023 IFS analysis argued that the effect of the Labour Party’s proposed VAT changes on the number of pupils attending independent schools is “clearly uncertain” and subject to significant error without direct evidence.[43] It said surveys should not be heavily relied upon, as “how people respond to a survey is rarely a good guide to how they behave in practice”. It argued that parents’ responsiveness to fee increases is low because the proportion of children in independent schools has remained steady in recent years despite significant fee increases. It also stated that evidence suggests that parents who choose to send their children to private schools tend to be “concentrated at the very top of the income and wealth distributions and such individuals tend to have relatively complex income and wealth streams”. The IFS also highlighted that the effects of the policy would be more likely to be felt in the medium and long terms, because many parents would be reluctant to withdraw pupils who are currently in school but more would choose not to enrol their children in the first place.

The IFS states that the evidence that does exist “points to relatively low responsiveness”. It estimates an effective VAT rate of 15% on fees would lead to a 3–7% reduction in independent school pupil numbers, a fall of about 20,000 to 40,000 pupils, which would be spread over time.

In April 2024, the Times reported on the results of a survey of high net worth individuals conducted by Saltus, a financial planning firm.[44] 71% of respondents to the survey said that rising school fees would have an impact on their choices around private schooling in the future. It found that 26% of parents in its survey said they “would have to remove their children from independent school if VAT was imposed”.

A statement released by the ISC in advance of the publication of their 2024 census said that Labour’s VAT proposals had already resulted in a decrease in the number of children joining independent schools.[45] It found that enrolments at independent schools for the 2023–24 academic year fell by 2.7%. This was the largest annual drop since 2011, when the ISC began collecting data on new starters.

3.2 Public finances

The extent to which pupil numbers in independent schools would decrease in response to the proposed tax change plays a large part in the effect it would have on public finances. The amount raised from the tax would be offset against the extra cost to the government of educating more pupils in the state sector.

In 2023, Bridget Phillipson, then shadow secretary of state for education, said that charging VAT on independent school fees and imposing business rates would raise £1.7bn.[46] In a parliamentary debate in February 2024, Helen Hayes, then shadow minister for education, said the VAT measure would raise £1.3bn.[47]

In the 2024 debate, Ms Hayes cited the IFS research into the tax effect of the proposed VAT change. This concluded that the effect of the change would be a net benefit to the government of £1.3bn– £1.5bn per year in the medium to long term.[48] It argued that “any reduced revenue from VAT on private school fees will likely be made up for by higher VAT revenues on other goods and services, holding overall consumer spending constant”. However, it highlighted many areas of uncertainty, including possible changes to work incentives, the potential for tax avoidance, and different effects on different sizes and types of schools. There is also uncertainty about how the marginal cost of educating former independent school pupils in state schools would interact with a forthcoming demographic drop in the number of school children.

The 2018 Baines Cutler report estimated that removing the VAT exemption would result in a net cost to UK taxpayers “for very many years, maybe permanently”.[49] It stated that every student that left independent school would result in an ongoing cost to the government of £10,000 per year and a one-off cost of £10,000, compared to a scenario where no pupils left the sector. The ongoing costs would come from lost VAT (from schools claiming back VAT on their purchases and pupils leaving the sector) and the cost of educating those pupils in the state school system. The £10,000 one-off cost would be for capital investments needed to accommodate more pupils in state schools.[50]

The Adam Smith Institute, a free-market think tank, also estimated that removing the VAT exemption for independent schools “could raise no money at all” and could “end up costing £1.6bn”.[51] The Adam Smith Institute argued that the IFS’s research was, as it acknowledged, based on limited evidence and assumed “only a limited number” of children would move from the independent to the state sector. It challenged many of the IFS’s assumptions outlined in its report, and said that how families have responded to price changes in the past is not a good predictor of how they would respond to further increases in the future.[52] It said policymakers should take account of the possibility of 15–25% of pupils leaving independent schools.[53] The Adam Smith Institute agreed with the IFS’s estimate of a cost to the government of £5,900 to educate pupils who would otherwise attend independent schools. Taking into account further variables, such as reduction in independent schools’ expenditure, it estimated that:[54]

  • In a migration scenario of 5%, there would be a net fiscal impact of £1.02bn.
  • If there was between 10% and 15% migration, the tax would generate no net revenue.
  • In a 25% migration scenario, the tax could generate a loss of £1.58bn.

3.3 School closures

Independent school associations and individual schools have argued that many small independent schools would have to close if the VAT exemption was removed. The ISC has stated:

Ultimately, the policy would threaten the survival of the smallest independent schools, which operate on tight margins and without large endowments. Most independent schools have fewer than 400 pupils on roll, and these small schools, serving their local communities, would be at risk of closure.[55]

In an interview discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the potential change, the Guardian’s education editor, Richard Adams, also said smaller schools would suffer from the policy:

There are actually a large number of private schools which look nothing like [high profile schools with high fees, such as] Eton and Winchester. They’re very small, community-run or run by parents or particular religious groups, for example. And ironically, they may be affected the worst by this.[56]

Mr Adams highlighted that while the Labour policy would exempt special-needs schools, others, such as a “a small Welsh-language primary school in London […] or local Muslim or Jewish schools, whose fees may be just a few thousand pounds a year”, would struggle if VAT were added.

A poll conducted for the Telegraph found that “almost three quarters of private schools fear they would be forced to close in the next five years if a Labour government introduced VAT”.[57] A spokesperson for the Labour Party responded:

Labour will invest in delivering a brilliant state education for all our children, funded by ending tax breaks for private schools.

Independent schools do not have to pass this change onto parents, and a high-profile independent school [Ampleforth College in York] has already said they will not be doing so.

In August 2024, two independent schools in Scotland announced they would be closing in 2024.[58] Both schools cited the possible impact of incoming VAT changes as a factor in their decision.

4. Reaction to the proposals

4.1 Concerns about timing

In July 2024, the government said its plans to remove the current exemption from VAT and business rates for independent schools would apply from 1 January 2025.[59] In October 2024, the Treasury confirmed this start date following press reports that it could be delayed.[60]

However, concerns have been raised about the current timetable. A Guardian article published on 6 October 2024 reported that numerous organisations in the education sector, including some which have backed the proposals, have called for a delay until September 2025 to give independent schools more time to “register for the new tax, assess the impact and adapt”.[61] The article highlighted the concerns of leaders of private schools that because the plans are not yet enshrined in law, they are unable to register for VAT until after the budget on 30 October 2024. The Guardian reported that accountants and tax experts have argued that this would be too little time for schools to adapt.

The teachers’ union NASUWT has also called for a change in the timetable:

We request that a more reasonable timeframe is proposed in order to implement the change fairly and without excessive disruption for teachers, pupils and parents.[62]

The union said that while it agreed with the policy it was concerned about redundancies for those in the private sector and the risk of a permanent loss of teaching jobs.[63] It also recommended that an impact assessment be carried out on the possible increase in SEND assessments in the state school sector and the level of provision needed. Similarly, the Association of School and College Leaders called on the government to conduct “a comprehensive impact assessment and full consultation on these proposals before they are formalised in legislation”. It recommended delaying the policy until September 2025 at the earliest.

4.2 Recent parliamentary debates

On 5 September 2024, the House of Lords debated the government’s plans to introduce VAT and business rates for independent schools.[64] Opening the debate, Lord Lexden raised a variety of concerns about the plans. He highlighted “the rapid introduction of the tax” and the impact it could have, arguing that many parents have made plans for the academic year which would need rearranging.[65] He also argued that many schools in the sector, particularly smaller schools, faced an uncertain future due to the policy.

Lord Lexden said many parents would have to seek places in state schools and this could lead to the closure of some independent schools, especially smaller and faith schools. He also argued that the policy could impact students with SEND, as “only children with hard to come by education, health and care plans (EHCPs) will be exempt from it”. In addition, he noted that families with parents in the armed forces could be affected, leading to some personnel leaving the forces. Highlighting the uncertainty surrounding the potential benefit the government could gain from the proposals, Lord Lexden invited members to support several propositions:

  • all children with SEND should be exempt from the charge
  • it should not be applied to service families receiving continuity of education allowance[66]
  • steps should be taken to protect small faith schools
  • the change should not be applied until the beginning of the 2025–26 academic year
  • a full independent assessment of the implications should be carried out before its introduction

Shadow Minister for Education Baroness Barran gave her support to the variety of concerns raised by other members about the impact of the plans and focused on the timing of the change.[67] She asked the minister to explain why the current timings were judged to be right, highlighting the disruption associated with moving a child part-way through the school year.[68] Focusing on the possibility that the plans could fail to raise any money, she asked the government if it would reverse the change should this occur, noting that the government had said the plans were for fiscal reasons rather than ideological ones. Baroness Barran also spoke on capacity in the state education system, highlighting several areas where she said there were already pressures on state school places. She also asked the government about the impact of the policy on students with special educational needs and disabilities as well as military families.

Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for the Cabinet Office Lord Wallace of Saltaire noted that the Liberal Democrats opposed VAT on independent schools.[69] However, Lord Wallace said the party favours “a much tougher approach to charitable status and the requirement to contribute to public benefit”. He also called on the government to prioritise improving state schools.

Responding for the government, Minister for Skills Baroness Smith of Malvern noted the government’s support for the private education sector, stating that people would continue to have a choice of whether they want their children to attend a state or independent school.[70] She also said the government’s priority and focus was to drive up standards in state schools, which the majority of children attend. Turning to the plans to remove the current VAT and business rate exemption for independent schools, Baroness Smith argued that it was a “tough but necessary decision”. She said it would generate additional funding to help improve public services and said the Office for Budget Responsibility had assessed the plans and would certify the government’s costings for the measures in the upcoming budget.

On the timing of the plans, she said that the government was “impatient to ensure that we can start funding the improvements”.[71] She also argued that for many pupils the change should not mean that parents automatically face 20% higher fees. She explained the government does not expect pupils to move immediately, with analysis suggesting that pupils may not move at all. For pupils with an EHCP, Baroness Smith explained that there would be no impact, with further education institutions and non-maintained schools also not affected. Focusing on state school places, she argued that those expected to move schools represent a “very small proportion of overall pupil numbers in the state sector” and that appropriate measures would be taken to increase capacity in areas if required. On military families, she said that the government would closely monitor the impact of the policy changes.

The House of Commons also debated the government’s plans on 8 October 2024.[72] Opening the opposition day debate, Shadow Secretary of State for Education Damian Hinds set out a number of objections to the government’s policy:

This government barely have their feet under the table, and already they are a government in chaos. That chaos is exemplified by this destructive, disruptive and divisive education tax that will interrupt learning; create place demand where it cannot be accommodated; put further strain on the SEND system; hit specific groups that we ought to be trying to protect; likely generate much lower revenue than anticipated; and quite possibly even end up as a net cost to the public purse.[73]

Mr Hinds called on the government to abandon “the unrealistic January implementation date”, publish an impact assessment and rethink this “entirely counterproductive tax”.[74]

Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Education, Children and Families Munira Wilson said her party does not support the government’s policy.[75] Ms Wilson argued that the government should look at other reforms to raise money for investment in the state school system, rather than “taxing parents’ choices to invest in their children’s education”.[76] She also said the government’s policy would undermine two important principles: that “education should simply not be taxed” and that parents have the right to choose what education setting is best for their child. In addition, Ms Wilson focused on children with special education needs, stating that all children with such needs should be exempted.

Speaking for the government, Stephen Morgan, minister for early education, argued that:

Ending the tax breaks on VAT and business rates for private schools is a necessary decision to drive high and rising standards across our state schools and give every young person the best start in life. It will generate additional funding to help improve public services, including the government’s commitments relating to children and young people.

This money will allow the government to expand early years childcare for all by opening 3,000 new nurseries, thus helping parents back to work. The government will recruit 6,500 new teachers and improve teacher and headteacher training as part of restoring teaching to the career of choice for the very best graduates.[77]

Mr Morgan also responded to the various concerns raised by members. On fears raised about children with special educational needs who attend independent schools, Mr Morgan said that those with a local authority funded place would not be affected by the changes.[78] More generally, he said that the government expected private schools to take steps to minimise fee increases. On concerns about pupils transferring to the state sector, he argued that the potential changes represented a small proportion of overall pupils and would likely take place over several years. He also expressed confidence that the state sector would be able to accommodate any additional pupils. Speaking about the potential impact on military families, Mr Morgan said that the government would “closely monitor” it and are considering support via the continuity of the education allowance scheme. He also said the government had engaged with representatives from faith schools.

5. Recent developments: Potential legal challenge

The press has reported the government is facing a potential legal challenge to its plans to remove the exemption.[79] Three private Christian schools and a group of parents are said to be planning a judicial review if the government does not drop its draft legislation, claiming that its introduction would breach anti-discrimination rights in the European Convention of Human Rights, which is incorporated into UK law through the Human Rights Act 1998. The schools have argued that the proposals would unlawfully discriminate against them, stating that they would likely cause Christian schools to close. In response, the government said it does not comment on potential litigation matters.

Cover image from Pixabay.


  1. HM Government, ‘Types of school: Private schools’, accessed 9 May 2024. Return to text
  2. HM Government, ‘Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and alternative provision (AP) improvement plan: Right support, right place, right time’, March 2023, CP 800, p 87. Return to text
  3. Institute for Fiscal Studies, ‘Tax, private school fees and state school spending’, 11 July 2023. Return to text
  4. Independent Schools Council, ‘ISC census and annual report 2024’, 17 May 2024, p 4; and Independent Schools Council, ‘Research’, accessed 20 May 2024. Return to text
  5. Independent Schools Council, ‘ISC census and annual report 2024’, 17 May 2024, pp 4–51. Return to text
  6. Independent Schools Council, ‘Sector info’, accessed 9 May 2024. Return to text
  7. Institute for Fiscal Studies, ‘Tax, private school fees and state school spending’, 11 July 2023. Return to text
  8. As above. Return to text
  9. Francis Green, ‘Private schools and inequality’, IFS Deaton Review, 2022, p 8. Return to text
  10. HM Government, ‘Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and alternative provision (AP) improvement plan: Right support, right place, right time’, March 2023, CP 800, p 87. Return to text
  11. Oxford Economics, ‘The impact of independent schools on the UK economy’, December 2022, p 4. Return to text
  12. As above, p 5. Return to text
  13. Full Fact, ‘Front-page error from the Times about how much private schools save taxpayers’, 3 May 2019. Return to text
  14. Oxford Economics, ‘The impact of independent schools on the UK economy’, December 2022, p 6. Return to text
  15. Full Fact, ‘Front-page error from the Times about how much private schools save taxpayers’, 3 May 2019. Return to text
  16. Oxford Economics, ‘The impact of independent schools on the UK economy’, December 2022, p 6. Return to text
  17. Institute for Fiscal Studies, ‘Tax, private school fees and state school spending’, 11 July 2023. Return to text
  18. Francis Green, ‘Private schools and inequality’, IFS Deaton Review, 2022. Return to text
  19. As above, p 2. Return to text
  20. As above, p 3. Return to text
  21. Sutton Trust and Social Mobility Commission, ‘Elitist Britain 2019’, 24 June 2019. Return to text
  22. As above, pp 4–6. Return to text
  23. Francis Green, ‘Private schools and inequality’, IFS Deaton Review, 2022, p 2. Return to text
  24. As above, p 5. Return to text
  25. Independent Schools Council, ‘ISC census and annual report 2024’, 17 May 2024, p 4. Return to text
  26. Department for Education, ‘Guide to setting up partnerships’, 19 October 2022. Return to text
  27. Independent Schools Council, ‘ISC census and annual report 2024’, 17 May 2024, p 22. Return to text
  28. As above, p 23. Return to text
  29. Tom Fryer, ‘Benefiting the public? A study of private-state school partnerships’, Private Education Policy Forum, August 2023. Return to text
  30. As above, p 3. Return to text
  31. Value Added Tax Act 1994, sch 9. Return to text
  32. Institute for Fiscal Studies, ‘Tax, private school fees and state school spending’, 11 July 2023. Return to text
  33. HC Hansard, 11 January 2023, cols 568–9. Return to text
  34. BBC News, ‘Labour drops plan to strip public schools of charitable status’, 28 September 2023. Return to text
  35. HC Hansard, 21 February 2024, col 324WH. Return to text
  36. Labour Party, ‘Labour Party manifesto 2024’, May 2024, p 82; and HL Hansard, 17 July 2024, col 8. Return to text
  37. HC Hansard, 24 July 2024, col 774. Return to text
  38. House of Commons, ‘Written statement: HM Treasury update (HCWS32)’, 29 July 2024. Return to text
  39. House of Commons, ‘Written statement: HM Treasury update (HCWS32)’, 29 July 2024. Return to text
  40. HC Hansard, 24 July 2024, col 706. Return to text
  41. Baines Cutler, ‘VAT on school fees’, October 2018, p 8. Return to text
  42. As above, p 21. Return to text
  43. Institute for Fiscal Studies, ‘Tax, private school fees and state school spending’, 11 July 2023. Return to text
  44. Nicola Woolcock, ‘Quarter of parents would quit private schools if VAT added to fees’, Times (£), 19 April 2024. Return to text
  45. Nicola Woolcock, ‘Labour’s VAT plans blamed for fall in private school entries’, Times (£), 10 May 2024. Return to text
  46. HC Hansard, 11 January 2023, col 568. Return to text
  47. HC Hansard, 21 February 2024, col 323WH. Return to text
  48. Institute for Fiscal Studies, ‘Tax, private school fees and state school spending’, 11 July 2023. Return to text
  49. Baines Cutler, ‘VAT on school fees’, October 2018, p 12. Return to text
  50. As above. Return to text
  51. Adam Smith Institute, ‘Applying VAT to independent school fees could cost as much as £1.6bn’, 17 March 2024. Return to text
  52. Adam Smith Institute, ‘Short term thinking: Analysing the effect of applying VAT to school fees’, 17 March 2024, p 11. Return to text
  53. As above, p 23. Return to text
  54. As above, p 3. Return to text
  55. Independent Schools Council, ‘ISC statement in response to Labour’s independent school tax proposals’, 28 September 2022. Return to text
  56. Esther Addley, ‘Thursday briefing: Can ending tax breaks for private schools smash the ‘class ceiling’?’, Guardian, 13 July 2023. Return to text
  57. Louisa Clarence-Smith, ‘Nearly all private schools plan to increase fees Telegraph poll reveals’, Telegraph (£), 24 March 2024. Return to text
  58. Dominic Hauschild, ‘Two Scottish private schools close citing Labour VAT plan’, Times (£), 14 August 2024. Return to text
  59. House of Commons, ‘Written statement: HM Treasury update (HCWS32)’, 29 July 2024. Return to text
  60. Millie Cooke and David Maddox, ‘School VAT tax raid to go ahead, insists Bridget Phillipson’, Independent, 8 October 2024. Return to text
  61. Toby Helm, ‘Doubts grow over Labour’s VAT plan for private schools’, Guardian, 6 October 2024. Return to text
  62. As above. Return to text
  63. As above. Return to text
  64. HL Hansard, 5 September 2024, cols 1296–348. Return to text
  65. HL Hansard, 5 September 2024, col 1297. Return to text
  66. Military families can apply for the continuity of education allowance (CEA) to help with boarding school fees (Army Families Federation, ‘Continuity of education allowance (CEA)’, accessed 11 October 2024). Return to text
  67. HL Hansard, 5 September 2024, col 1338. Return to text
  68. HL Hansard, 5 September 2024, col 1339. Return to text
  69. HL Hansard, 5 September 2024, col 1337. Return to text
  70. HL Hansard, 5 September 2024, col 1340. Return to text
  71. HL Hansard, 5 September 2024, col 1342. Return to text
  72. HC Hansard, 8 October 2024, cols 165–229. Return to text
  73. HC Hansard, 8 October 2024, col 170. Return to text
  74. HC Hansard, 8 October 2024, col 170. Return to text
  75. HC Hansard, 8 October 2024, col 180. Return to text
  76. HC Hansard, 8 October 2024, col 177. Return to text
  77. HC Hansard, 8 October 2024, col 223. Return to text
  78. HC Hansard, 8 October 2024, col 224. Return to text
  79. Millie Cooke, ‘Private school VAT raid facing legal action as ministers poised to introduce concessions for military’, Independent, 10 October 2024; and Jonathan Ames, ‘Private Christian schools to sue government over VAT plans’, Times (£), 8 October 2024. Return to text