Research Briefing
House of Lords: Ministers
This Library Note looks at the role of Ministers in the House of Lords in the context of current proposals for reform of the House.
Research Briefing
This Library Note looks at the role of Ministers in the House of Lords in the context of current proposals for reform of the House.
Research Briefing
This Library Note provides background information on steps to bring to trial Joseph Kony and other leaders of the Lord’s Resistance Army.
Research Briefing
This Library Note provides a brief summary of recent developments in Egypt, Iran, Israel/Palestine, Libya and Syria, as well as a table of statistical information covering the whole of the Middle East and North Africa.
Research Briefing
This Library Note provides an overview of the blockade of Gaza by the Government of Israel, including its history, attempts to bypass the blockade and recent developments. It then examines the impact of the blockade on the humanitarian situation in Gaza, and finally the response of the British Government.
Research Briefing
This Library Note aims to provide background reading for the debate on the importance of the creative industries in the United Kingdom.
Research Briefing
The Bill would replace the existing control orders regime with Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures, to restrict the activities of individuals suspected of involvement in terrorism. This Library Note provides background information in advance of the Bill's second reading in the House of Lords.
Research Briefing
This Library Note provides background reading for the debate on the political situation in Chechnya and the North Caucasus, and its implications for global security.
Research Briefing
This Library Note provides background reading for the second reading debate of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill.
Research Briefing
Debate on 16 December 2010: Deepwater Horizon and its implications. House of Lords Library Note 2010/030
Research Briefing
Debate on 7 October 2010: the Prince's Countryside Fund and support for rural communities. House of Lords Library Note 2010/021
Research Briefing
Debate on 11th March: The national minimum wage and poverty. This Library Note aims to provide background reading for the debate to be held on 11th March: “The impact of the National Minimum Wage on household and individual poverty” This Note examines the history and development of the National Minimum Wage since its introduction in 1999, and its effect on earnings, the economy, and groups within society. The Note then examines levels and trends in poverty since the election of the Labour Government and the subsequent introduction of the National Minimum Wage.
Research Briefing
Debate on 28th January: the case For a fairer and more progressive tax system This Library Note aims to provide background reading for the debate to be held on Thursday 28th January: “To call attention to the case for a fairer and more progressive tax system” This Note examines the differing perspectives recently put forward by interest groups and policy think-tanks on whether reforms should be introduced aimed at providing for a fairer and more progressive system of taxation in the UK.
Research Briefing
Cluster Munitions (Prohibitions) Bill. House of Lords Library Note 2009/011. The Cluster Munitions (Prohibitions) Bill was introduced in the House of Lords on 19th November 2009, and is due to receive its second reading on 8th December. This Library Note provides background information on the use of cluster munitions; UK and international policy on their use; and the measures contained in the Bill.
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