This House of Lords Library briefing provides information about the work of the House of Lords Extradition Law Committee; its two reports ('The European Arrest Warrant Opt-In' and 'Extradition: Law and Practice'); its conclusions and recommendations; the government’s responses; and a summary of the debates held on the two reports in the House of Lords.
For the UK, the decision to leave the EU could have a significant impact, particularly on its relationship with Ireland. This includes on peace and security, which encompasses the peace process following the 30-year conflict in Northern Ireland, known as ‘the Troubles’, border controls and the Common Travel Area; and trade, particularly the bilateral trade relationship between UK and Ireland. This briefing examines the implications of the UK’s decision to leave the EU on its relationship with Ireland, particularly, in regards to peace, security and trade. In addition to covering the aforementioned issues in closer detail, this briefing also examines the current situation in both the UK and Ireland, and discusses the potential implications of the UK leaving the EU, drawing upon commentary from UK and Irish heads of governments, political parties, think tanks and organisations.
This House of Lords Library briefing provides information in support of the House of Lords second reading of the Political Parties (Funding and Expenditure) Bill [HL] on 10 March 2017.
This House of Lords Library briefing provides background reading in advance of the second reading of the Homelessness Reduction Bill in the House of Lords on Friday 24 February 2017.
This Library briefing will examine the impact on the rights of EU citizens living in the UK of the UK’s decision to formally withdraw from the EU. It will also consider the arguments regarding the UK’s future economic requirements of the UK.
This Lords Library briefing explores machinery of government changes announced by the Prime Minister, Theresa May, on 18 July 2016, in the wake of the United Kingdom’s referendum vote in favour of leaving the European Union.
This House of Lords Library briefing has been prepared in advance of a debate that is scheduled to take place in the House on 1 December 2016 on the best options for the United Kingdom’s future relationship with the European Union following the referendum vote to leave.
This House of Lords Library briefing provides background reading in advance of the question for short debate on Tuesday 18 October 2016 on the potential effect on peace and stability in Europe and around the world of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union.
This House of Lords Library briefing provides background reading in advance of the question for short debate on 12 September 2016 about what plans the Government has to ensure that all teachers at academies and free schools are fully qualified.
This House of Lords Library briefing provides background reading in advance of the question for short debate on 5 September 2016 regarding what plans the Government has to move toward the elimination of HIV in the United Kingdom.
The House of Lords is due to debate the Queen’s Speech over four days between 19 and 25 May 2016. This briefing is one of four prepared by the House of Lords Library to cover the themes of each day of debate.
This House of Lords Library briefing provides information on the prevalence of autism in the UK and sets out some of the policies and actions being implemented to help autistic people.